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Back Pain Care

A man holding his lower back with severe pain in a highlighted area due to stress.
Published by Dr. Umesh Srikantha on June 14, 2024
Can Stress Cause lower Back Pain
Unveiling the Link Between Lower Back Pain and Stress Lower back pain is almost as prevalent as the common cold. Regardless of age, gender, or lifestyle, this pervasive issue tightens people's grip, causing major disruptions to their daily routines and turning even the most routine tasks into monumental challenges. Studies reveal that 23% of adults […]
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The image illustrates a man with lower back pain.
Published by Dr. Umesh Srikantha on February 15, 2024
Essential Ways to Avoid Back Pain for a Stronger Spine
Ever feel that dull ache in your back after hours at your desk? It's no stranger to many who sit for work. Your spine, the core of your body's structure, needs regular care to stay fit. Want to know how to keep your back pain-free and your spine strong? Read on for insights into practices […]
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